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February 21, 2025
Sorting stabilizers from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's time to put my money where my mouth is. I've been harping about decluttering and organizing, but I found a mess yesterday that needs to be dealt with. 

I had collected all my stabilizers in one place, sorted them by type, and purchased large tubs to store them. 

Let's be clear that they need to be separated from batting (fleece), fusible webs, and interfacing. The "underground" world of sewing is mysterious. All four categories are needed to make our projects look amazing, but you never see them. 

I recently wrote some articles for QUILTsocial on a ...

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July 29, 2024
Where do you store your quilts? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Energy! I'm not sure how much energy I'll have later today. Sleep eluded me last night for some reason, and I'm sure I'll take a big nap later. But that's OK. 

Oh my—these pens do actually run out of ink! This is a promotional pen, but it must be a deluxe one because it really is the best pen around. It writes nicely and feels nice to hold, and I love it. Thank goodness I have several of them, as this poor one is done! There is some satisfaction in having a pen run ...

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July 12, 2023
Digital versus electronic! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

LOL --- I guess I'm in between -- having read some of the Harry Potter books but not the entire collection. I've definitely not seen all of the movies - maybe the first two? I enjoy the books, and it's kind of fun to see the movie right after! I never used to be an audiobook kind of person, and I thoroughly enjoy having a book in my hand! There doesn't seem to be time right now, and the audiobooks are handy! I love that we have options! 

As for notes on the phone? That would be blasphemy! It ...

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January 22, 2023
Deer and Quilty Stuff from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

One morning last week, I looked outside the kitchen patio door and saw something dark at the top of our hill.  Did someone throw out a Xmas tree or a garbage bag or was it a person?  What was it?

Upstairs to my bedroom and looking out the window, I got a better look .... but I still couldn't make out what it was.
Zoomed in for a closer look.  Nope, still can't see what it is.  Lordy, it is big .... was it a bear?  No, wrong colour as the bears here are black and this is kind of ...

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November 21, 2021
Knitting, Sewing and a New Quilt Vault! from The Cozy Quilter

 I have accomplished a lot this week, but not not much of it was in the sewing room!  I did do some mending, made a quilt back for a comfort quilt, and sewed a hanging sleeve on a gift.  I delivered 113 placemats to Meals on Wheels organizers on behalf of the Oxford Quilter's Guild and volunteered at the local Christmas Hamper program for a day (this is a weekly event until Christmas).  Today, I cleaned out some of our gardens --cut back dead perennials and filled several brown bags with garden debris and leaves.  Last Sunday, my husband ...

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August 1, 2021
Displaying quilts from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

You all know how much I love to display my quilts and there are a couple of cabinets to hold them.  You have seen them before, but here they are again.  These are old photos and the cabinets were not completely full when these photos were taken.  Fast forward to now and there are too many quilts and I'm running out of storage space .... again.  No, I'm not giving away or selling any of my quilts (which my family would love me to do).  I love to change out my quilts every month and now have quilts to ...

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September 17, 2020
Make do with what you have from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Another successful Zoom presentation last night. It was all about finishing off quilts, and one of the things I wanted to showcase was the Binding Attachment. Do I actually do a live demo? Why not - let's do it. 

The binding attachment on the PFAFF creative icon

Actually, the demo went very well. It's hard to do a live demo. Not only do you want to do it reasonably quickly when you might take a little more time if you're on your own. You have the pressure of people watching you. Let's not forget the camera in ...

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September 10, 2020
Change - is a "good" thing from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


I've noticed that the interface that I use to post my blogs has been changing. I'd see the "new" interface but quickly found the button to revert to the old. I see the new interface this morning and I did NOT see the button to revert back. Well, I should just suck it up and get used to the new. It appears that the functions are the same - just different formatting. 

Before you know it, I won't even know the difference and certainly won't remember the old interface. Change is good - let's move forward - onward ...

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August 19, 2020
Binding away! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Yesterday, I got "My Corona Flowers" back from my lovely LAer.  Last night, binding got started until my eyes were just too tired to sew anymore.  Today, the rest of the binding is now on.  Nights are starting to cool so sewing binding is what I will be doing soon.

So ...... how many more quilts need binding?  See the top shelf on my quilt cabinet?  There are six quilts that need binding!  Better get cracking and get them moving closer to the finish stage.  Every time I look at my cabinet, I start to drool.  Do you blame me?  LOL ...

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March 8, 2020
The princess and the pea from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I was at a meeting yesterday afternoon which comprised a total of 7 adults. The meeting lasted about one hour and then we all sat down to dinner. We must have been together for about 3 - 4 hours. I just realized this morning that in all that time, I never once saw a cell phone or an iPad or any sort of electronic device. How did that happen? We actually chatted with each other. We entertained each other with our stories and memories.

It was refreshing. Now how do we get that to happen more often? I'm not sure ...

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November 24, 2019
It has been a while .... from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

I forgot to post about what I've been up to lately.

This feline is keeping my hubby and I busy.  She is only a few years old and wants to play, play, play .... and then sleep the day away.

Anything and everything is a toy for her.  Ripping plastic bags .... why not!  Especially when those plastic bags hold a kit for a block.  Sure rip away and hopefully everything can be found afterwards when I need those small pieces of fabric!
Your block instructions can improve with a few holes in the paper ..... right?  Yep, rip away!
Plastic bags ...

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October 8, 2019
Ribbons again and quilt storage! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Yep, it happened again.  Our Quilts by the Bay-North Bay (Ontario, Canada) had another quilt show and I won three ribbons for hand quilting in the Viewer's Choice section.

First is for my bed quilt.  This quilt is fading in places and it has a patch from when our Miss Hank cat tore a piece of the fabric.  Still, she is a beauty and viewer's thought she deserved first place.  Thank you!

Second is for my Kentucky Flowerpot wall hanging in the middle.

Third is for my Xmas yo-yo tree wall hanging.

It is time now to consider ...

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  • quilt storage
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